mtu hr summit 2019.
june 2019
we were honored to welcome a delegation from hcw in our lab on November 4rd. together we will explore, experiment, and experience in an innovation intervention how they can reinvent the healthcare system of tomorrow
(postponed because of COVID )
dub business talk.
oct 2020
"leading as a woman" still is a matter of many questions, challenges, and innovation opportunities.
we were curious to hear these during the live DUB Business Talk with lisa jasper and naomi ryland.
Thank you DUB Magazine for the invitation and lively discussion.
curious too? the main takeaways are right here:
online master class.
july 2020
Are you close to screaming, seeing all those online meetings in your calendar?
You're not alone. Many people are currently experiencing the same symptoms of «acute online meeting horror»
No question, we cannot simply be bystanders in such a dire situation:
we have poured our expertise in behavioral transformations, co-creation and employee engagement into a master class that offers practical tips against the virtual horror.
Find out more on our new online campus (german only):
just before a screaming fit, with all those online dates in your calendar?
you're not alone. many people currently have the same symptoms: acute online meeting horror.
no question, we had to act! with an online LabZalon with practical tips against the virtual nerve massacre.
online lab [zaˈlɔŋ].
may 2020
innovation shift podcast.
april 2019
COVID-19 has propelled all of us into unforeseen disruptions that reach into almost all aspects of our lives.
many of these changes (will) pose challenges far beyond crisis plans and comfort zones. yet as seasoned transformation and innovation experts, we know from experience that such challenges are also remarkable innovation accelerators and reset buttons if met with enough entrepreneurial spirit, visionary thinking, and co-creative leadership.
to offer a counterbalance to the flood of negative news, we have thus decided to seek and share the innovation that these unique times sparks around us.
It is thus that we proudly present our “innovation-shift” podcast in which change influencers around us share where and how COVID 19 creates cause for optimism and sparks innovation in their industries.
image by fullvector / freepik
MTU HR Summit 2019
mtu hr summit 2019.
on the 4th and 5th of june, we travelled
to munich to speak about "hr trends of the future"
at this year's mtu hr summit
(closed session)
june 2019
may 2019
we proudly present the handelsblatt publication "innovation is the new work" (a "changement" special issue) with many inspiring articles from innovation leaders and shapers
*guest editor: our every own imke keicher